Amazingly, a baby products company that I sent my manuscript to responded and published the book in an edition that didn’t please me — but it was published, so I could use it in my classes.
Little did I know that the company had hidden clauses in my contract that would change its content, and they were going bankrupt, trying to take my book with them to start a new company. I was able to get a lawyer and get my rights back into my own hands.
One day, a few weeks after my daughter was born and I had won my book rights back, I received a call from La Leche League in Washington DC. She said my little pamphlet had made its way to their headquarters; they were going to hold a large conference near here, and would I give a talk about infant massage. I joyously consented. We packed up our things and headed for the mountains where the conference was being held.
I gave my talk, and afterward a man approached me. “Have you ever thought of writing a book about this?” he asked. I reached into my bag and pulled out my manuscript with the edition published by the other company. “I certainly have!” I replied. He told me he was from Bantam Books, and they wanted to publish a book on baby massage, but they hadn’t been able to find anyone with credibility and the kind of tone that they thought I could put into the book.
I read the contract and had my lawyer read it, and joyfully signed it in 1978. Though I think of the present book as my first edition, the first edition was really in 1977. The edition by Bantam Books was a wonderful partnership, and the book sold in the best-seller category. The company sent me on a book tour that took me to New York (The Today Show, Regis, 2 radio shows), to Chicago (Oprah – when she was a local show), Phil Donohue), Indianapolis, Denver, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle.