Certified Infant Massage Instructors (CIMI*) are certified by the IAIM. They have completed the
process for certification by:

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Attending the 4-day (5 days if translated into another language) practical training with a certified IAIM trainer

Completing their practice teachings with families

Successfully completing their studying, exam and evaluations

*CIMI: is a registered acronym for Certified Infant Massage Instructor except in US where we certify “IAIM educators” with acronym C.E.I.M.

Helping to empower parents to build loving relationships with their babies through touch is critical. To be able to be the one to support parents in this outcome is one of the most rewarding roles as we clinicians can ever provide.

Certified Infant Massage Instructors (CIMIs):

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Teach massage to parents or caregivers in charge of children who do not have access anymore to their birth parents

Complete a hands-on practicum: teaching 5 families to massage their
babies in a five-week course or five-session one-on-one course.

Complete the required reading and the take-home open-book assignment. if qualified, receive your IAIM Instructor certificate

Respect IAIM policies in order to stay a CIMI (certified infant massage instructor) and member of their IAIM Chapter

*CIMI: is a registered acronym for Certified Infant Massage Instructor except in US where we certify “IAIM educators” with acronym C.E.I.M.

Thank you so much for all of your time and effort put in to make the Infant Massage Certification class spectacular. I entered the class fearful that I wouldn’t do the “right” thing or give the moms the “best advice”. You really taught me who the experts truly are – and what a joy it is to see their truths unfold before me! I am truly grateful.

We would be delighted to have you join our worldwide network of Certified Infant Massage Instructors!

If you would like to become a certified IAIM Infant Massage instructor, you can find the training that is nearest to you at Upcoming Trainings

If there are no trainings in your area, you would like to host one, please contact your Country Chapter representative or our IAIM international Office to ask about setting one up.

IAIM Testimonials

What Trainees think of us