How to Help Infants Learn and Remember

A nap after learning helps a baby consolidate its learning and memories, a new study finds. The study suggests that a flexible napping schedule could help infants learn. Dr. Jane Herbert, one of the study’s authors, said, “These findings are particularly interesting to both parents and educationalists because they suggest that the optimal time for […]

Infant Temperaments May Reflect Parents’ Cultural Values

A new study examining temperamental differences between U.S. and Dutch babies found infants born in the Netherlands are more likely to be happy and easier to soothe in the latter half of their first year. U.S. infants, on the other hand, were typically more active and vocal, said study co-author Maria Gartstein, a Washington State […]


In a New Study, Infants Were Sleeping More at Night Than During the Day  by 9 Weeks on Average A new study suggests the 24-hour body clock that regulates waking and sleeping matures over several weeks, starting at about 8 weeks of age. Cortisol, a hormone that helps the body deal with stress, kick-starts a […]

Learning In Infancy Reaps Long-Term Benefits

Talking and reading to babies in their first year can provide learning benefits that are seen as much as five years later. Developmental psychologists say the benefits are particularly associated with naming things in the infant’s world, as this can help the infant make connections between what they see and hear. “Learning in infancy between […]

Bonding Repeated Through the Generations

Women with troubled maternal relationships are more likely to have difficulty bonding with their babies. A Secure Maternal Bond is the Most Important Thing to a Newborn Baby’s Future A study done by the University of New South Wales, UK, says women with troubled maternal relationships have lower levels of the hormone oxytocin and are more […]

Babies Subconsciously Process Emotions

Infants perceive fearful looks from the whites of your eyes The eyes are the mirror of the soul, often revealing the emotional state of those around us. Even babies appear to perceive such signals. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig have discovered that even seven-month-old infants react […]