Naps Boost Babies’ Memory

A new study suggests that babies process and preserve memories during those many naps they take during the day. Study author Sabine Seehagen, a child and adolescent psychology researcher with Ruhr University Bochum in Germany said, “We discovered that sleeping shortly after learning helps infants to retain memories over extended periods of time. In both […]

Babies Can Speak As Early As 7 Months

New Research Says Talking to Your Baby Stimulates His Brain Well Before He Utters Those First Words Babies usually start speaking by their first birthday, but new research suggests talking to your baby stimulates his brain well before he utters those first words. A study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, […]

Infant Cooing, Babbling Linked to Hearing Ability

How Vocalizations Differ Between Hearing and Deaf Infants Infants’ vocalizations throughout the first year follow a set of predictable steps from crying and cooing to forming syllables and first words. However, previous research has not addressed how the amount of vocalizations may differ between hearing and deaf infants. University of Missouri research shows that infant vocalizations […]

Social Anxiety in Adolescents Predicted by Infant Bonding

Behavioral inhibition in early childhood is associated with social anxiety in adolescence, but only among youth who were anxiously attached to their parents as infants. A new longitudinal study conducted by researchers at the University of Maryland in collaboration with researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health and the University of Waterloo appears in Child […]