In our Infant Massage classes, we incorporate parents singing to their babies as soon as the parents feel confident in delivering many of the strokes. When I was developing our program, I found that singing a slow, repetitive, rhythmic lullaby helped both myself and my baby to relax and have fun with the massage. I […]


Another element in the dance of bonding is vocalization. From the moment she first responded to sound at around seven months gestation, your infant has been listening to your voice. Her body moves in rhythm with your speech patterns, and the high-pitched tone you use when talking to her is particularly sweet to her ears. […]


Premature Babies Need a Special Kind of Touch We know how important it is to hold our babies close, right from the start. We put a lot of planning into those first few hours and weeks, arranging to avoid the interruptions that would unnecessarily deprive our babies of those precious moments of bonding time. When […]

Music Therapy Helps Preemie Babies Thrive

Music therapy analysis, of over a dozen clinical trials, found that music therapy helped stabilize premature newborns’ breathing rate during their time in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). For the most part, music therapy involved mothers singing to their babies (though some studies used recordings of mom’s voice). And that’s key, the researchers said. […]

Baby Crying? Don’t Talk, SING!

Infants are Soothed for Twice as Long When They Listen to Melodies Compared to Speech In this study, 30 healthy babies aged between six and nine months listened to recordings of baby talk, adult-directed speech, and ‘play’ songs in Turkish, so that they were unfamiliar with the words. When listening to songs, babies remained calm […]

Babies Can Speak As Early As 7 Months

New Research Says Talking to Your Baby Stimulates His Brain Well Before He Utters Those First Words Babies usually start speaking by their first birthday, but new research suggests talking to your baby stimulates his brain well before he utters those first words. A study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, […]