
As most of you know, Infant Massage: a Handbook for Loving Parents, first published in 1979, has been released from Random House in its fourth edition. Release date was July 11, 2017. I worked on this edition for all of 2015 and off and on in 2016, with many copyedits and letters to various experts requesting permission for quotes. There were three covers to choose from, and I chose the one the book has. The size is 7.5 x 9 inches (19 x 23 cm), and 1.5 inches deep (2 cm). There are 303 pages and the retail price is $18.

I am fortunate to have received a lovely review by Marshall Klaus, M.D., who, with his partner John Kennell, basically defined bonding at the time I was writing the first edition. He told me he has been following my work all this time.

There are many other experts quoted and cited in the book, including Ashley Montagu, Tiffany Field, Penelope Leach, Frederick LeBoyer, William and Martha Sears, James McKenna, Darcia Narvaez, John Bowlby, Ken Magid, Joseph Pearce, T. Berry Brazelton, John Medina, and many others. The Reference section is 27 pages long.


  1. Why Massage Your Baby?

  2. Your Baby’s Sensory World

  3. The Importance of Skin Stimulation

  4. Stress and Relaxation

  5. Bonding, Attachment and the Benefits of Infant Massage

  6. The Elements of Bonding

  7. Attachment and the Benefits of Infant Massage

  8. Especially for Fathers

  9. Helping Baby (and You) Learn to Relax

  10. Your Baby’s Brain

  11. Music and Massage

  12. Getting Ready

  13. How to Massage Your Baby

  14. Crying, Fussing, and Other Baby Language (including Cues, Reflexes, and Behavioral States)

  15. Minor Illness and Colic

  16. Your Premature Baby

  17. Your Baby with Special Needs

  18. Your Growing Child and Sibling Bonding Through Massage

  19. Your Adopted and Foster Children

  20. A Note to Teen Parents

Back Matter:

References and Recommendations
Author Bio

Every Trainer with IAIM, and every Certified Instructor should have at least a copy of this book, and should promote it (if not include it) in your classes.

The Foreign Rights are in the process of being sold. I don’t have information about this right now. If the book is published in your country, I suggest you take a copy of the new edition to the publisher and promote the acquisition of the rights to this new edition. Here is the information you would give them:


Rachel Kind
Executive Director, Foreign Rights
Random House
Random House|Ballantine|Bantam|Delacorte
Dell|Del Rey |Dial|Modern Library |Spiegel & Grau
Tel: 212 782 8275

I apologize for not yet being able to send a free signed copy to our Trainers. It is my intention to do so, but my finances will not allow me to for a while.

When you have time, please go to bookstores near you and see if they have this new edition. If not, ask them to contact Random House about getting it, promoting your work and our organization.

The book is available from Amazon:

This is probably the last edition of the book which is the center of our mission. Please help promote it as much as you can. To purchase boxes of the book, contact:

Penguin Random House Customer Service
USA 800-733-3000
Canada Phone 888-523-9292
Fax 212-782-5081

I want to thank you all for everything you contributed to make this new edition happen!

Much Love,


Vimala McClure
Founder: International Association
of Infant Massage

1244 Gillaspie Drive #11
Boulder, CO 80305